Saturday, August 16, 2003

I'm with the Band

So I was reviewing my past posts and noticed that I haven't posted how I got involved with wakingNorman. So here's the abbreviated story. I have been a fan for about 2 1/2 years now. The first time I saw them at the Beggar Club and Daniel Hart pulled out his violin and Troy belted "Losing" I knew these guys had talent and potential. I even had a chance to see them when they were in Chicago. They have been doing the N.Dallas club scene since then. They finally got some serious backers and a group of people that want to help and see them succeed. They needed a person to do "marketing communications" basically get the word out where the guys are playing and that's where I come in. Troy sent me an email and asked to give him a call. They thought of me when thinking about promotions. I am honored and happy to be part of something that is on the rise. Please check out the link and if you like the music...BUY, BUY, BUY!!!

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