Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Unconcious Mutterings

Week 147

Lunanina says and I say...

  1. Stuffed:: Turkey
  2. Armstrong:: Lance
  3. Bruise:: Black and Blue
  4. Content:: Substance
  5. Musical:: Rent
  6. Assistance:: Welfare
  7. Scrambling:: Egg
  8. Battle:: War
  9. Extended:: Vacation
  10. Discount:: Tires

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Since I probably won't be online for the next few days I wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY TURKEY DAY! I'm having dinner with my fellow misfits. It's actually going to be a big party if you ask me. Be safe everyone. I love you!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Happy Birthday Beth!!

I forgot to post this yesterday, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my girl Beth! We must have drinks again soon. I will post a picture later of this beautiful girl. Anyway, Beth, hope your day was good and all your birthday wishes come true.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Unconcious Mutterings

Week 146

Lunanina says and I say...

  1. Heads up:: Gym
  2. Kicker :: Football
  3. Aggressive:: Hyper
  4. Getting ugly:: Drama
  5. To be continued:: Mini-series
  6. Twist:: and Shout
  7. Form:: Document
  8. On the road:: again (Willie Nelson)
  9. Import:: Export
  10. Flowers:: Mother's Day

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Unconcious Mutterings

Week 145

Lunanina says and I say...

  1. Mighty:: Mouse
  2. Gotta find time to ....:: Pack
  3. Statistic:: Average
  4. Midnight:: Moon
  5. Thaw:: Meat
  6. Hips:: Shake
  7. Reader:: Bartender
  8. Related:: Family
  9. Brilliant:: Bright
  10. Posture:: Stance

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

"Mind your own Business"

I need to represent the UD Sports and Entertainment program. Got this from London.

‘Mind Your Own Business’
Music Scene Gets a Boost from Local Business School

Irving, TX- North Texas is no stranger to music talent. With Norah Jones, Erykah Badu, Jessica and Ashley Simpson, Bowling For Soup, and Pat Green all calling North Texas home, the area has produced a wealth of talent. However, many local artists never make it past the city limits. They may draw large crowds at local nightclubs and even sell a lot of CDs out of the trunk of their cars, but they’re never signed by a major record label. Often, business acumen (versus musical talent) is the critical success factor that makes the difference.

The University of Dallas College of Business is working to change the music landscape in North Texas. Through its new Music Business Academy, the university is offering seminars that focus on the various business aspects of the industry. In addition, the university has planned several graduate courses on the music business that will be offered in their MBA program in Sports & Entertainment Management. “We’ve met with a lot of local artists and music executives and we have found that there is a real need to develop the music business knowledge in DFW. The talent is here, but the business knowledge is not,” says Dr. Scott Wysong, Academic Program Director for the school’s Sports & Entertainment MBA Program.

Recently, the university hosted a free seminar open to the public entitled “Are You Radio Ready,” which focused on careers in radio and tips for artists on getting their songs played on local radio. To examine these issues, Music Business Academy co-founder and noted entertainment attorney, Ward White IV, moderated a panel discussion with local radio program directors, Skip Cheatam of K104 and John Candelaria of 97.9 The Beat. According to White, “Skip Cheatam and John Candelaria are two of the best radio program directors in the country, not just Dallas. They did an excellent job of giving local artists an insiders’ view of the business side of radio.”

In attendance were a number of local record label executives and artists. “Dallas music needs what the University of Dallas is doing. There is such a rich history of music in this great city and we need to come together to let the nation know about Dallas music,” says local Grammy award winning musician, Art Greenhaw who was in attendance at the seminar and has also spearheaded the university’s efforts. “I’ve been in the music business 25 plus years, but I really learned a lot from the recent seminar with the two radio program directors. There are lessons for all musicians to be learned from rap/hip-hop music.”

“Learning business tips from each other regardless of the genre of music is the name of game,” says local music executive and University of Dallas MBA student, Rodney “London” Williams. “I work every day with a number of very talented musicians, yet they don’t understand what it takes to make it the next level. The University of Dallas has a unique program and approach and I wanted to be a part of that.”

For more information about the Music Business Academy or the MBA in Sports and Entertainment Management from the University of Dallas, contact Scott Wysong, Ph.D. at (972) 721- 5007 or swysong@gsm.udallas.edu. www.thedallasmba.com/se

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Unconcious Mutterings

Week 144

Lunanina says and I say...

  1. Deeper and deeper:: Scuba
  2. Can’t help .... :: myself
  3. Devil’s advocate:: Keanu Reeves
  4. Superpower:: Superman
  5. Threatening:: Evil
  6. Played:: Scammed
  7. War:: Unnecessary
  8. Violate:: Hurt
  9. Invest:: Money
  10. Choke:: Chicken bone