Wednesday, May 21, 2003

This-or-That Tuesday

(on Wednesday)

Even More Potpourri...
...because it smells delicious!

1. Large or small family? Small family
2. Potato chips or pretzels? Potato Chips (see below Friday Five)
3. House or apartment? Right now apartment, but eventually a house
4. Zebras or giraffes? Giraffes
5. Candles or potpourri? Candles
6. Flowers or trees? Flowers
7. Right or left-handed? Right-handed
8. Model trains or dolls/stuffed animals? Stuffed Animals
9. Comedy or drama? Comedy
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: The city of Boston has recently banned smoking in all restaurants and bars. Would you want to see such a law passed in your city/town/country, or not? Dallas passed the smoking ban a few weeks ago. Not sure how it has affected the businesses in the area. All I know is that it doesn't matter to me. I know lots of people who smoke and they just go to the surrounding areas where they can smoke without being harassed. Besides it's up to the smoker whether they want to light up. From what I understand the business just has to post that they are a non-smoking establishment, but the one that gets fined is the smoker not the business. Also, in Plano they passed the smoking ban and a couple months later revoked it as long as the establishment put in some type of air filter system. Good Luck Boston.

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