Thursday, May 08, 2003

This-or-That Tuesday: The Media Edition (on Thursday)

Okay, I decided to join another fun list to make this blog somewhat interesting. Check out This-or-That Tuesday to join the list.

1. TV or radio? TV
2. On the radio: talk or music station? Music
3. Actual books or books-on-tape (or e-books)? Actual books
4. Actual newspaper, or web version? Actual newspaper
5. Wall Street Journal or National Enquirer? National Enquirer
6. TV channel such as CNN, or your local broadcast news? TV News
7. A movie you've been looking forward to seeing gets bad reviews all around. See it anyway, or pass? See it anyway
8. See movies when they first come out, or wait a few weeks for the lines at the theater to get shorter? Wait a few weeks for the lines at the theater to get shorter
9. TV: cable, satellite dish, or just plain old antenna? Cable
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: If you had to choose only one form of media to come into your home, which would you choose...print (newspapers, magazines) or electronic (TV, internet)? Why? Electronic, just too lazy to read paper form, I have enough with school stuff anyway...also, less paper lying around.

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