Tuesday, May 13, 2003

This-or-That Tuesday:

*Another Potpourri Edition*

1. Packrat or minimalist? Packrat
2. Computer: desktop or laptop? Laptop
3. Seashore or mountains? Seashore
4. Carpeting or bare floors? Carpeting
5. Drinking water: bottled or tap? Bottled
6. Shopping websites: eBay or Amazon? Amazon
7. Cute little kitties or big scary tigers? Cute little kitties
8. Front door or back door? Front door
9. Lots of jewelry, or little/none? Little/none
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: At the last minute, you obtain tickets to an event you're dying to attend. However, you have to work that day! Do you ask the boss for the time off, or just call in sick? Ask the boss for the time off, knowing any person that I work for, they would let me have the time off.

Back to reading Strategic Management.

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