Tuesday, July 08, 2003

This-or-That Tuesday

Summer Potpourri

1. Strawberries or blueberries? Strawberries
2. "Legally Blonde 2" or "Terminator 3"? "Legally Blonde 2"
3. Hamburgers or hot dogs? Hot dogs...(going to Chicago this weekend)
4. Boating or hiking? Boating
5. Suntan lotion or sunblock? Suntan lotion
6. "Big Brother" or "The Amazing Race"? Neither, but if I had to choose, "The Amazing Race"
7. Beach Boys or Jimmy Buffett? Living in Texas, I have come to love Jimmy Buffet
8. Grow your own produce or buy from supermarket/greengrocer/farm stand? Buy, back in the day my mom used to grow.
9. Drive with car windows/top down, or with air-conditioning on? In Dallas...MUST HAVE AIR-CONDITIONING
10. Go away for vacation, or stay at home? Go away for vacation (if I have the money)

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