Friday, June 13, 2003

Friday Five

1. What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have? Travel to Europe, but I hope to do it soon.

2. When someone asks your opinion about a new haircut/outfit/etc, are you always honest? Honest, but nice about it. "Your hair looks okay, but I like it long."

3. Have you ever found out something about a friend and then wished you hadn't? What happened? Not that I can remember.

4. If you could live in any fictional world (from a book/movie/game/etc.) which would it be and why? The Jetsons, they made the future seem so cool.

5. What's one talent/skill you don't have but always wanted? Play the piano well. I stopped practicing at the age of 10, and now I wish I hadn't. I could have been Alicia Keys or Vanessa Carlton...oh well.

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