Friday, May 07, 2004

So no one told you life was going to be this way...

I'm sure as you peruse through blogs today there will be a post on one of the biggest TV events last night, the Friends finale. I thought it was great. It ended as it should have, Rachel and Ross - together!

This show has been a great part of my life. I've watched it through college and only lately have I not been able to watch because of either class or work. We used to get together in the dorms and watch with our friends. Last night, I got to watch the finale with more friends at the neighborhood bar. I almost changed my mind about going to watch it because I was afraid I was going to ball, but I didn't. Had they ended with a retrospective and song, I probably would have. I almost cried when Rachel appeared at the door. I was telling a friend, they are each other's lobsters.

My friend asked who my favorite friend is. That would be Rachel, there is something spunky yet sassy about her. But it was hard just picking her. Every Friend had a quality that I loved which is why I loved the show. Friends went out well, and they will be missed.

"I'll be there for you...."