Friday, December 19, 2003

Friday Five

It's finally back...I haven't posted a Friday Five because (1) I was out of town for at least three Fridays and (2) I guess they took me off the mailing list since my inbox was over 100% full. But here we go....

1. List your five favorite beverages.
1) Pepsi
2) Water
3) Miller Lite
4) Mocha Frappachino
5) Lemonade

2. List your five favorite websites.
1) wakingNorman
2) Dave Matthews Band
3) Yahoo!
4) Neopets
5) Friday Five =)

3. List your five favorite snack foods.
1) Jays Barbeque Flavored Potato Chips
2) Doritos
3) Snickers
4) Chips and Salsa
5) Funyuns

4. List your five favorite board and/or card games.
1) Catch Phrase
2) Scrabble
3) Trivial Pursuit
4) Monopoly
5) Solitaire

5. List your five favorite computer and/or game system games.
1) Hexic Deluxe
2) Monopoly
3) Ico
4) Titanic
5) Any old skool game...PacMan, Frogger, Galaga, Donkey Kong, etc

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