Wednesday, June 23, 2004

It's been a busy one...

First I want to wish my friend Pete a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Not that he reads this, but if should ever come across it, it's here.

It's been a busy week. As can be seen by my mutterings being posted on Wednesday when they should have been posted on Sunday. I have a project due on Monday, I've been helping my friend pack his house, and I've just been running around doing stuff that I can't even remember. Anyway, I can't wait until next Monday. My project will be done (at least for another month when we have another project due), my boys play Tuesday night in Lewisville, and Wednesday I head to Chicago for the week/weekend. Good times will be had in Chicago next week. Until then, I must end here. If I post again, it's only because I am procrastinating.

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