So now that i have time on my hands, I'm in search of cool quizzes. But before I post any results from some quizzes I just want to say God Bless to the familes of those POW's that were found and are now coming home and to those families whose loved ones risked their lives and are risking their lives for the livelyhood of humankind. If anyone wonders what this war is for, just take a look at the TV, seeing the "Thank You USA" signs and seeing the Iraqi's say "Thank you Mr. Bush" shows how this war was a neccessity. Anyway, enough of the war speak, time for FUN.
So I found another quiz that I though was interesting. It's called "What Dave Matthews Song are you?" and here is my result:

What Dave Matthews Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Although, my favorite song is "Say Goodbye" which was one of the possible results.
I'm going to take a few more. What a cool and interesting site.
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