HAPPY EASTER from Florida! Today we went to Easter mass. Although this is a time to be happy and celebrate a joyous day in the Catholic Church I need to vent. I will do it in a separate paragraph.
Okay, so I'm not the world's best Catholic, but you can TOTALLY tell those who just go on Christmas and Easter. It's like amatuer night. One thing that I dislike the most is that some people STILL go into Church with their cell phones on. HELLO!?!!?! Two different cell phones went off during mass. Where's the respect? Cell phones have gotten WAAAAAY out of hand. Oh and kids over the age of five who can't sit still for an hour and parents who don't dicipline them. You are in a church and your kid is talking like he's at a party, quiet your kid PLEASE!!!!
Anyway, the top five places I hate people with cell phones...
1. Church. Nothing more to comment on that. (see above)
2. Movies. I didn't pay $8.00 to listen to your conversation.
3. In a restaurant. You came to eat. Nothing is more annoying than seeing two people at a table and the other person is on a cell phone. Why did you come out to eat with that person anyway? Also, you are NOT that important that you can't call that person back after you eat!
4. Driving. If you can't drive and talk on a cell phone at the same time...don't do it. Nothing is more annoying than a Plano housewife, driving her Mercedes, talking on her phone, and drifting into MY lane. Get off your freaking phone...biatch!
5. At a register. What ever happen to common respect among people? You can't get off your stupid cell phone for two minutes while you talk to the person at the register. Again, you are NOT that important.
Moral of the story, please respect those around you when using your phone. Not everyone wants to know what time Billy needs to be picked up from Soccer practice, who Ashley did last night, or that XYZ company didn't like your proposal. Yes I do have a cell phone, but believe me, I have an earpiece for the car, and I don't walk around the mall with the dumb thing attached to my ear. But then again...I guess I'm just not that important.
Enough about that. Yesterday, the Mavs won game one and the Stars finished off the Oilers. Nothing like the PLAYOFFS BABY!!!!
Oh and I need to get a tan before I go home. Luckily I still have over a week to get that mission accomplished.