Sunday, September 25, 2005

Unconcious Mutterings

Week 138

Lunanina says and I say...

  1. Crave:: CPK
  2. Whole package:: The Perfect Man????
  3. Roommates:: Joanne, Danyetta, Diana and Tracy
  4. 5:30:: pm
  5. Lesbian:: Girls
  6. Poignant:: Straight
  7. Hurtful:: Mean
  8. You and I:: Both
  9. Grateful:: Dead
  10. Giggle:: Laugh

Friday, September 23, 2005

I got myself a J-O-B!

Yes, you read correctly. I got a job! My technical experience and my music experience come together on this one...SWEET! I pretty much get to work on an Online Indie Music retailer! Since I started this past Thursday and I've worked up at the restaurant, I am T-I-R-E-D. So I'm cutting this post short. Thanks again to Beth for finding the site that led to this job!

By the way, prayers go out to all in the Galveston area. My family got out of the area okay and are now with my cousin in Arlington. My other cousin decided to stay in Houston. All we can do now is just wait. God bless us all.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Ten on Tuesday

Thought this topic was interesting and figured I'd give it a shot.

10 Ways Your Country Can Change for the Better (in no particular order)

1. Get a new president...I've thought that since the last election.
2. TRUE freedom of speech. No matter how hateful, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
3. Make diversity and sensitivity classes mandatory. At least offer a day or week. We live in a changing and diverse world. Understanding one another may help us get along better.
4. People need to be more respectful when they are on their cell phones. If you are at the cashier or about to talk to a person, hang up the can call the person back. ARGH!
5. Refocus back on the US instead of other countries. If they need help they will ask us, but what right do we have to go in and tell people how to run their countries?
6. Promote vacations within the US. I have yet to see Mt. Rushmore or the Grand Canyon. Better our economy by spending at home.
7. Continue to support our troops no matter the politics on why they are still in other countries. Even though people don't agree with them being there, the troops need to know we still support THEM.
8. Clean up our big cities. Citizens need to take responsibility in the image of their city.
9. Require every big city to examine their public transportation system. Dallas only recently has really boomed in their DART system, but is behind compared to cities like Chicago, NYC, DC. This might help with the air quality too.
10. Americans need to show the love and support they have showed during 9/11 and Katrina all year round. National tragedies can bring the worst out in people, but the best definitely outweighs it.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Unconcious Mutterings

Week 137

Lunanina says and I say...

  1. Less filling:: Tastes great
  2. Glue:: Elmer's
  3. Surprise me:: Spontaneous
  4. Model:: Fake
  5. Fee:: Student
  6. Microphone:: Rock Star
  7. Choices:: Decisions
  8. To the bone:: Bad
  9. Run!:: Forrest
  10. Appeal:: Sex

Friday, September 16, 2005

Happy Birthday Troy!

Happy Birthday to one of my bestest guy friends Troy. Not that he'll see this, but if you happen to bump into him, wish him a Happy Birthday.

Still waiting for the music...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Unconcious Mutterings

Week 136

Lunanina says and I say...

  1. Related:: Family
  2. Soothing:: Aloe
  3. Flashback:: High School
  4. Turmoil:: Chaos
  5. Immense:: Great
  6. Guitar:: Nick Knirk
  7. Nonsense:: New Orleans
  8. Blame:: Bush
  9. Childlike:: Innocent
  10. Duff:: Hillary

Thursday, September 08, 2005


If you haven't heard about it then let me be the first to inform you about this great album by Herbie Hancock. A friend of mine told me about it, let me borrow his CD and wow! You may remember him from the 80's hit Rockit with the electric keys and all, but this album is totally different. It's jazz inspired with Hancock on piano and some GREAT artists singing including John Mayer, Christina Aguilera, Sting, a duet with Jonny Lang and Joss Stone, among others. Right now I'm listening to Hush Hush with Annie Lennox and amazing. This is such a relaxing album. Go to Starbucks or Herbie's website to pick it up. Not sure if it's available at Best Buy or major outlets like that, but I know you can pick it up at Starbucks because my friend got it there and I was just in there yesterday getting a Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino...YUM!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Unconcious Mutterings

Week 135

Lunanina says and I say...

  1. Julie:: Steele
  2. Emotional:: Outburst
  3. Head of household:: Mom
  4. Diva:: Mariah Carey
  5. Devastation:: Katrina
  6. Business or pleasure:: Pleasure
  7. Crown:: Queen
  8. Eastern:: Europe
  9. Buzzed:: Drunk
  10. Officer:: Friendly

Friday, September 02, 2005

Sweet Home Chicago

Yes, I am back in the city. This weekend is my best friend Joanne's wedding. So excited for this reunion filled event. Got some ole skool friends in town for the shindig. One friend wanted to go out tonight but I am tired (yeh, yeh, that's why I'm online at know me). Don't worry partying will be done these next couple of nights.

Today, I actually spent more than 5 minutes in the American Girl Store. I was on a tour bus one time and the girl said that the two famous bags you see people walking around with on Michigan Avenue is the turquoise blue bag from Tiffany's and the big red bag from the American Girl Store. That place, no doubt, wins hands down. Jo's niece brought her doll. They got her a new outfit and she got her hair done for the wedding...yes the doll. She got a new doll and Jo's new niece-in-law (if that's actually a term) got two dolls too. Girls from all over the world flock to that store. It can be a little crazy if you ask me, but you gotta love it.

Meanwhile across the street Kanye West had an autograph signing at Borders. I keep asking myself why I didn't go. The line wasn't too bad. What an opportunity...argh!

Anyway, I hope to post some pics on here from this weekend so stay tuned. I probably won't be on for the next couple of days though, so everyone have a fun and safe Labor Day weekend!!