Thought this topic was interesting and figured I'd give it a shot.
10 Ways Your Country Can Change for the Better (in no particular order)
1. Get a new president...I've thought that since the last election.
2. TRUE freedom of speech. No matter how hateful, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
3. Make diversity and sensitivity classes mandatory. At least offer a day or week. We live in a changing and diverse world. Understanding one another may help us get along better.
4. People need to be more respectful when they are on their cell phones. If you are at the cashier or about to talk to a person, hang up the phone...you can call the person back. ARGH!
5. Refocus back on the US instead of other countries. If they need help they will ask us, but what right do we have to go in and tell people how to run their countries?
6. Promote vacations within the US. I have yet to see Mt. Rushmore or the Grand Canyon. Better our economy by spending at home.
7. Continue to support our troops no matter the politics on why they are still in other countries. Even though people don't agree with them being there, the troops need to know we still support THEM.
8. Clean up our big cities. Citizens need to take responsibility in the image of their city.
9. Require every big city to examine their public transportation system. Dallas only recently has really boomed in their DART system, but is behind compared to cities like Chicago, NYC, DC. This might help with the air quality too.
10. Americans need to show the love and support they have showed during 9/11 and Katrina all year round. National tragedies can bring the worst out in people, but the best definitely outweighs it.